Environmental Education Directory
Looking for an organization, program, or resource to help get your students, family, or colleagues engaged in environmental learning? RIEEA has compiled a comprehensive, searchable list of opportunities throughout the state and online that offer resources for educators, families, and more.
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15 Minute Field Trips
Art is an effective motivator of environmental advocacy, helping develop a unique sense of unity with and protectiveness over the environment through observation and creation. 15 Minute Field Trips harnesses this philosophy in its virtual and in-person workshops, designed to instill in students, youth groups, and families an appreciation for the outdoors, and empower them as environmental activists.

Adventure Base Camp
Located minutes from Providence, RI, Adventure Base Camp is the hub of outdoor adventure in southern New England. Through unique adventures in a welcoming environment, families of all kinds can experience nature and create memories together while learning outdoor skills and building the confidence to become good leaders and citizens. Adventure Base Camp is perfect for families, youth organizations, homeschool groups, sports teams, and anyone hoping to experience the benefits of outdoor adventure!

Appalachian Mountain Club (Narragansett Chapter)
Founded in 1876, AMC fosters the protection, enjoyment and understanding of the outdoors for all. AMC offers programs for educators in formal and nonformal environmental and outdoor skills topics as well as families, adults, and groups. The Narragansett Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club is the local Rhode Island affiliate. Trained volunteers offer outdoor recreation such as biking, paddling, hiking, camping, cross country skiing, and technical climbing for all levels of skill and ability; conservation events and activities; trail maintenance opportunities; social and special events; and volunteer opportunities.

Aquidneck Community Table
ACT’s mission is to grow a healthy local food system, accessible to all on Aquidneck Island. ACT works in many ways to build a vibrant food system on the island including: distribution of fresh foods at farmers markets, education in school and community gardens, programs that inspire young people to love healthy foods, and an annual challenge to eat locally to benefit community health and our regional economy. ACT brings together partners in the community to collectively build a healthy future, generating events and discussion to explore solutions that strengthen the islandโs food system, support the local economy, and expand access to fresh healthy food for everyone.

AS220 Youth
Working with young people ages 14-21, centering marginalized and incarcerated youth with a special focus on those in the care and custody of the state, AS220 Youth strives to dismantle the pipeline to prison by empowering at-risk, beyond-risk and incarcerated youth through its award-winning arts and collective action programming.

Audubon Society of Rhode Island
The ASRI’s mission is to protect birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through conservation, education, and advocacy for the benefit of people and all living things. Throughout the year, ASRI provides high quality environmental education programming for schools, community organizations, and the general public. The Nature Center & Aquarium in Bristol, RI, offers exhibits on local habitats and wildlife, walking trails, and a beautiful pollinator garden. ASRI also protects and manages thirteen other wildlife refuges open for hiking, bird watching, and nature photography.

Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team
The BRWCT is a state interagency commission dedicated to the protection, restoration, management, and sustainable use of Rhode Islandโs fresh and marine waters and watersheds. BRWCT conducts strategic interagency planning, fosters coordination of government programs and partnerships, and makes targeted investments in science, monitoring, policy analysis, and the pursuit of strategic projects in support of our aquatic environments and their human uses.

Biomes Marine Biology Center
Biomes is a private aquarium and education center. Offerings include public visits, family programs, and school field trips. Lessons include a variety of topics including physical sciences, rainforest habitat, reptiles, and conservation with a focus on local marine animals and habitats.

Blackstone River Watershed Council / Friends of the Blackstone
The mission of the Council and Friends group is to restore, enhance, and preserve the physical, historical, and cultural integrity of the Blackstone River, its watershed, and its ecosystem. Through public advocacy, education, recreation, stewardship, and the promotion of the unique Blackstone Valley resource, they are dedicated to making the Blackstone River fishable and swimmable. All of the programs provide opportunities to volunteer, including cleanups, education, and work with local municipalities, to bring this great river and its surrounding watersheds back to its natural and majestic state and create recreational programs for the local residents to enjoy.