Rhode Island Environmental
Education Association

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Environmental Education Directory

Looking for an organization, program, or resource to help get your students, family, or colleagues engaged in environmental learning? RIEEA has compiled a comprehensive, searchable list of opportunities throughout the state and online that offer resources for educators, families, and more.

Choose one or more resource types, audiences, environmental focus, and/or academic areas and find the services you are looking for.

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Green Circle Design

Founded in 2004 by Kate Lacouture, Green Circle Design (GCD) works on the principle that good landscape design should be inherently sustainable. To this end, GCD promotes alternatives to the American front lawn, uses native plants to preserve habitat, and encourages organic methods of gardening. GCD also offers consultations to schools and community groups interested in starting garden programs. They strive to inspire and empower kids by teaching them the impact of their decisions as citizens on the environment.

Green Energy Consumers Alliance

The Alliance works to empower climate-friendly energy choices and policy in Massachusetts and Rhode Island through a variety of educational programs and services.

Green Energy Consumers Aliance Logo

Green Ribbon Schools

This program of the US Department of Education recognizes schools that save energy and reduce costs, protect health and foster wellness, and feature environmentally sustainable learning spaces and offer environmental education to boost academic achievement and community engagement. All Rhode Island Schools are eligible to participate in the program. Applications are available in early September and winners are announced in April of each year.


Green Teacher

Green Teacher (GT) has a mission of enhancing environmental literacy among young learners by equipping both practicing and aspiring environmental educators in all contexts with innovative, relevant, evidence-based resources. This serves the mission of ensuring that each successive generation of young learners is more environmentally literate than the last. GT has five channels of operations: a quarterly digital magazine, books, webinars, professional development and consulting, and the Talking with Green Teachers podcast.

Groundwork Rhode Island

GWRI is a non-profit, community-based organization that helps make Rhode Islandโ€™s urban communities healthier and more resilient places to live by improving the physical environment and creating economic opportunities for local residents. Through job training, employment, and social venture programs, GWRI offers a variety of urban stewardship programs and projects that train and employ lower-income Rhode Islanders, including those with past conviction records and youth. At the same time, GWRI works to physically improve our shared urban environment, especially in predominantly lower-income communities and communities of color in Providence, Pawtucket and Central Falls.

Groundwork Rhode Island Logo

Haus of Glitter Performance Lab

The Haus of Glitter is a Dance Company + Performance Lab + Preservation Society that works to shift the energetic center of the universe towards care, healing, justice, and freedom. In the work they share, preserve, and co-create with communities, they strive to embody ancestral liberation, healing, and love in every step and every breath of their creative praxis. The Haus of Glitter believes there are missing puzzle pieces to the systems and symptoms of oppression that they are still feeling and reinforcing. Their care-centered practice aims to invite deep feeling, healing, and liberation. They donโ€™t just want to exist. They want to live. Change isnโ€™t about forgetting. Itโ€™s about remembering.

Haus of Glitter Performance Lab Logo


One of the worldโ€™s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over a million scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! Whatโ€™s more, by recording and sharing your observations, youโ€™ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.

iNaturalist Logo
Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

At this dynamic cross-campus center, students and faculty conduct groundbreaking research and build creative solutions to complex 21st-century problems. The work at IBES combines an understanding of the natural world and of human societies because environmental stewardship, human rights, and economic well-being are inextricably linked. Through a unique interdisciplinary approach, IBES fosters actionable research outcomes and the change agents of tomorrow. Their rigorous undergraduate curriculum offers meaningful real-world experiences and unique faculty-student partnerships. IBES faculty and students are leaders in the global conversation about environmental issues โ€“ on campus, at the State House, in boardrooms, and at the United Nations.

Institute at Brown for Environment and Society Logo


ISeeChange is a community and climate dialogue platform that connects people with their changing environments to make solutions together. What you see change in your backyard, neighborhood, and city is important to our collective understanding of how climate change and weather affect our communities. Observations and block-by-block insights can help cities, engineers, and local organizations advocate for and create solutions to climate challenges.

ISeeChange Logo

Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful

KBVB’s mission is to inspire and encourage people to protect and preserve our environment so all have a clean, green, and beautiful place to live. As an affiliate of the national non-profit Keep America Beautiful, KBVB works to prevent litter, reduce waste, and beautify the communities of Burrillville, Central Falls, Cumberland, Glocester, Lincoln, North Smithfield, Pawtucket, Smithfield, and Woonsocket.

Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful Logo
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