Rhode Island Environmental
Education Association

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Environmental Education Directory

Looking for an organization, program, or resource to help get your students, family, or colleagues engaged in environmental learning? RIEEA has compiled a comprehensive, searchable list of opportunities throughout the state and online that offer resources for educators, families, and more.

Choose one or more resource types, audiences, environmental focus, and/or academic areas and find the services you are looking for.

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URI Cooperative Extension

The URI Cooperative Extension is an educational program which focuses on enlightening the community about food & agriculture systems, energy literacy, water resources, land stewardship, and healthy lifestyles.

URI Cooperative Extension Logo

URI Graduate School of Oceanography

GSO Ocean Classroom is an education and outreach extension of the Graduate School of Oceanography that brings current and relevant ocean science research to K-12 classrooms and public audiences. Ocean experts present programs in schools, virtually, outdoors at field locations, and on the URI Narragansett Bay Campus.

URI Graduate School of Oceanography Logo

URI Inner Space Center

The ISC is a one-of-a-kind national facility that supports live ocean exploration via telepresence technology, enabling scientists, students, and the general public to participate remotely in ocean science. Located at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, the ISC is home to a diverse team of ocean scientists, engineers, education professionals, and video producers who work with cutting-edge technology to facilitate, capture, produce, and promote underwater exploration in real time.

URI Inner Space Center Logo

Wade Institute for Science Education

Through partnerships and collaborations, the Wade Institute for Science Education provides inquiry-based, hands-on, minds-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professional development for K-12 teachers and nonformal educators.

Wade Institute for Science Education Logo

Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association

WPWA is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the lands and waters of the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed in Southern New England. The WPWA campus is on the Wood River and has a fleet of small boats and a welcome center with seating for up to 30 people. They host guided kayak trips; watershed science education with models on groundwater, watershed, and stormwater; and macroinvertebrate (aquatic bug) sampling and study.

Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association Logo

Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council

The Council creates positive environmental, social, and economic change by revitalizing the Woonasquatucket River, its Greenway, and its communities. WRWC encourages community members to be involved with the organization’s work, which includes environmental education, environmental justice, and cleaning and maintaining the river and the greenway, to connect to the natural resources surrounding the Woonasquatucket River.

Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council Logo

YMCA of Greater Providence

The mission of the YMCA of Greater Providence is to build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all, through programs, services, and relationships that are based upon the core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. There are a variety of programs including aquatics, before and after school enrichment, camp, health and fitness, childcare and early education, health and fitness, and sports and recreation.


Young Farmer Network

YFN connects farmers, aspiring farmers, and farm allies from all social, racial, and economic backgrounds to create an environment within which people of all ages and agricultural backgrounds can cultivate personal and professional relationships across state borders. It works towards a supportive landscape for farmers and prospective farmers in developing socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable farm businesses and fulfilling lives. YFN is a fiscally-sponsored chapter of the National Young Farmers Coalition, which connects them to a national policy voice.

Young Farmer Network Logo

Young Voices

Young Voices was created in 2006 to address the desperate need for authentic youth voice in policymaking throughout Rhode Island. Since the organization was founded, they have helped more than 750 BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) youth transform into confident leaders who continue to make a difference across our state. Young Voices believes that youth are uniquely positioned to inform policy, and must have a seat at the table in all decisions that affect their lives.

Young Voices RI Logo

Youth In Action

Youth In Action creates opportunities for youth to become agents of change through transformative youth leadership programming. Through in-school and after-school programming as well as youth-led workshops, talks, and exhibits, Youth In Action creates brave spaces for youth to bring their cultures, values, identities, and truths and then build the skills and tools to name and address equity issues in their communities.

Youth in Action Logo
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