Environmental Education Directory
Looking for an organization, program, or resource to help get your students, family, or colleagues engaged in environmental learning? RIEEA has compiled a comprehensive, searchable list of opportunities throughout the state and online that offer resources for educators, families, and more.
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Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation
RIRRC is dedicated to helping Rhode Islanders reduce, reuse, and recycle. They operate Rhode Island’s Central Landfill, Materials Recycling Facility, Leaf & Yard Composting operation, and Eco-Depot for household hazardous waste. RIRRC offers many services to RI residents and groups including free tours, presentations, and student mentoring to RI schools.

Rhode Island Sea Grant
One of 34 programs in the National Sea Grant College Program, Sea Grant is a state-based program with federal funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) based at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography. They work with coastal communities in the Ocean State to ensure access to the best available science and that everyone has a seat at the table to build long-term, sustainable solutions. 41°N, Rhode Island’s coastal and ocean magazine, is a publication of Sea Grant and the University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute that highlights Sea Grant and Coastal Institute research, outreach, and education activities on a particular theme.

Rhode Island State Parks
Since 1909, the State of Rhode Island Division of Parks & Recreation has evolved from a visionary plan to a statewide network of historic and magnificent green spaces and greenways devoted to the public enjoyment of the outdoors. Today, the park system and natural resource areas comprise over 123 sites and 60,000 acres.

Rhode Island Tree Farm Program
The mission of the Rhode Island Tree Farm Program is to promote the growing of renewable forest resources on private lands while protecting environmental benefits and increasing public understanding of the benefits of productive forestry.

RI Families in Nature
Created by and for families who want to spend more time outdoors, RI Families in Nature has resources that can help people of all ages and experiences explore Rhode Island’s natural places and reap the many benefits that hiking offers us all. They also publish The Rhode Island Family Hiking Guide and Journal.

RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife – Wildlife Outreach Program
The Division of Fish and Wildlife created the Wildlife Outreach Program in 2017 to serve students, families, hunters, and the public through a variety of unique, enjoyable programs. These programs provide participants with information about Rhode Island’s wildlife species, conservation issues, and the work being done by our dedicated staff to protect, restore, and manage our state’s precious wildlife resources. The Wildlife Outreach Program offers interactive, fun, educational activities regarding the history of wildlife management, current conservation projects, Rhode Island’s diverse wildlife, and careers in the field of wildlife conservation. They also offer educational resources for teachers to use in their classrooms.

RISE Engineering, a division of Thielsch
RISE provides energy efficiency services for residential, commercial, school, and municipal buildings. Its mission is to build a sustainable employee-owned company that energy users and program sponsors trust to consistently deliver energy-efficiency solutions which improve living and working environments and set the industry standard for professionalism and customer satisfaction.

Roger Williams Park Zoo
The Zoo’s mission is to nurture and cultivate an interest and passion for animals, the natural world, and science by engaging visitors and students in developmentally appropriate science practices to explore the world around them and join in conserving wildlife and wild places. The Zoo has long been a valued resource for bringing science to life. As leaders in conservation and animal care, they create engaging experiences that empower guests to join in conserving wildlife and wild places. The Zoo is a 40-acre living laboratory where students can explore concepts introduced in the classroom. Their programs encourage students to observe, ask questions, make inferences and discoveries, and communicate.