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Environmental Education Directory

Looking for an organization, program, or resource to help get your students, family, or colleagues engaged in environmental learning? RIEEA has compiled a comprehensive, searchable list of opportunities throughout the state and online that offer resources for educators, families, and more.

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Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy, Inc.

The mission and goal of NHC is to preserve Neutaconkanut Hill for future generations. Located on the border of Providence and Johnston, โ€œthe Hillโ€ is the highest point in Providence. From the hilltop meadow โ€“ elevation of 296 feet above sea level โ€“ and along several hiking trails are spectacular views of the City and nearly a quarter of the State. The 88-acre woodland includes forested woodlands, several miles of hiking/walking trails, a panorama of picturesque stone walls, unique geological formations, natural springs and brooks, wildflowers and berries, as well as wildlife such as deer, fox, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, turkey, pheasant, opossum, and โ€œmany squirrels.โ€ NHC offers educational programming for youth and the general public to expand understanding of the Hillโ€™s natural and historical significance and engage community members in service projects.

Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy, Inc. Logo

New England Science & Sailing Foundation

New England Science & Sailing Foundation (NESS) is a nonprofit ocean adventure program that engages students in experiential learning which builds confidence, teamwork, and leadership skills. NESS is guided by four core values: experiential learning, personal growth, inclusiveness, and stewardship.

New England Science & Sailing Foundation Logo

Newport Restoration Foundation

The mission of NRF is to promote and invest in the architectural heritage of the Newport community, the traditional building trades, and Doris Dukeโ€™s fine and decorative arts collections, for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of all. NRF operates three museum sites, including the 40-acre Prescott Farm in Middletown, RI. The site is open daily from dawn to dusk for public enjoyment. Prescott Farmโ€™s kitchen and herb gardens are tended to by a dedicated team from the University of Rhode Islandโ€™s Master Gardener program and their living laboratories showcase the marriage of historical horticultural practices with more modern gardening techniques.

Newport Restoration Foundation Logo

Newport Tree Conservancy

NTC is dedicated to fostering a healthy, equitable, urban forest in the City of Newport, RI, through tree management and planting programs, for the benefit of present and future citizens of Newport. Their goal is to engage in environmental education regarding the importance of trees and improved planting and maintenance techniques. They teach K-12 field trips, school outreach, after-school and summer programs, as well as public programs in Newportโ€™s parks and public spaces.

Newport Tree Conservancy Logo

NOAA Teaching Climate Literacy

A collection of resources, guides, activities, databases, and more designed for educators and decision-makers to promote public understanding of climate science and climate-related events and to make the data products and services of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) easy to access and use.

NOAA Teaching Climate Literacy Logo

Norman Bird Sanctuary

A wildlife refuge, NBS encompasses over 300 acres and seven miles of trails that wind through hay fields and woodlands, and along four ridges with spectacular views of the surrounding ocean and ponds. Their educational programs are designed to introduce children to the great outdoors; to help teachers supplement their own science, history, and art curricula; and to engage advanced learners in the principles of ecology, wildlife biology, and species conservation.

Norman Bird Sanctuary Logo

Northeast Organic Farming Association of Rhode Island

Formed in 1990, NOFA/RI is an organization of farmers, consumers, gardeners, and environmentalists working to promote organic farming and organic land care practices. NOFA/RI fosters a healthy relationship to the natural world through educational workshops, advocacy, and participation in local and regional events with the goal to increase the acres of sustainably and organically managed land and to provide access to local, organic food for all Rhode Islanders.

Northeast Organic Farming Association of Rhode Island Logo

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

The Northeast SARE Program offers grants and education to farmers, educators, service providers, researchers, and others to address key issues affecting the sustainability of agriculture throughout our region.

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Logo

Northern Rhode Island Conservation District

NRICD is a quasi-public organization dedicated to conserving the natural resources of Providence County. NRICD sees education as a key component of its mission and conducts educational programs in partnership with Providence Water that are centered around the Scituate Reservoir watershed and its importance to the state. NRICD also frequently partners with other districts around Providence County and provides watershed education programs on a fee-for-service basis.

Northern Rhode Island Conservation District Logo

Notable Works Publication and Distribution Co. Inc.

Notable Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness for environmental and social concerns through the arts, while providing a venue to local artists, musicians, and composers.

Notable Works Pulication and Distribution Co. Inc. Logo
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