Rhode Island Environmental
Education Association

News & Events


Meet a Board Member: Madison Hindle

Meet new RIEEA board member Madison Burke-Hindle! Madison is the Education and Outreach Manager for Rhode Island Resource Recovery, which manages the state’s Central Landfill and Materials Recycling Facility.

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Meet a Board Member: Dean Faiola

Meet RIEEA board member Dean Faiola! Dean is the Executive Chef of Rhode Island College Dining Services and was “more than happy to help” when RIC students RIC pushed dining services to become environmentally friendly.

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Jen West

Meet a Board Member: Jen West

Meet RIEEA board member Jen West! Jen is the Coastal Training Program Coordinator with the Narragansett Bay Research Reserve and joined the RIEEA board in 2018.

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Meet a Board Member: Gráinne Conley

Meet RIEEA board member Gráinne Conley! Gráinne is the Education Program Manager at Save The Bay, where she was involved with RIEEA for several years. She started to become more active in 2018 by joining a RIEEA committee, which she calls a “wonderful opportunity”.

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