The Environment Council of Rhode Island is a coalition of organizations and individuals whose mission is to serve as an effective voice for developing and advocating policies and laws that protect and enhance Rhode Island’s environment.
At a glance:
- Resource Type: After-school Programs, Consulting Resources, Contest/Award, Education Materials & Resources, Outreach Programs/Speakers
- Audiences: Adults, College/University Students, Environmental Professionals, High School (Grades 9-12) Students, Middle School (Grades 6-8) Students, Policy Makers/Elected Officials, Public and/or Private Schools, Seniors, Teachers/Formal Educators
- Environmental Focus: Agriculture/Farming, Air, Animals/Wildlife, Biodiversity, Climate Change/Weather, Conservation, Consumer Education, Cultural Awareness, Ecology, Endangered Species, Energy, Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Gardening/Compost, Habitats/Ecosystems, Plants/Trees/Forests, Pollution, Recycling/Waste Management, Soil, Storm Water, Sustainability, Water/Watersheds
- Academic Focus: Civics/Social Studies, Science